Join an association to pursue your passionate interests at school and to find life-long friendships with people from all different grades and sections. Do you not find an association that fits you? No problem! Gather some friends and contact to start your own! 


We are the school’s media association! Have you ever dreamed of having a platform to express yourself? Through writing, art, photography or perhaps even podcasts? KZINE is just what you’re looking for! We create prints (cop the latest), post various content on Instagram @kzine and make podcasts. Best thing is YOU are a part of it! Slide in our DMs!


Welcome to KGIF! The sports association here at Kungsholmen. Do you want to be a part of the schools biggest sports events, such as the great American football game? Or do you want to be involved with hosting the best sports tournaments? Maybe you want to be a part of one of the school’s many sports teams? Then join KGIF!


KG’s feminist association Femmetopia organizes events, theme weeks, and meetings to discuss issues, promote gender equality, and spread awareness at our school. Everyone is welcome, no matter how familiar you are with feminist issues! We look forward to meeting you!


There is always a holiday to celebrate! Christmas, Halloween, Easter, the day of the cinnamon bun or Sweden’s national day. The list goes on and on and we in KG Holidays will make sure that our school is properly decorated to match the day. Along with treasure hunts, quizzes and fika, this is the association for celebration!


Indiskt initiativ is a charity association here at KG. We collect money for an orphanage, Bal Ashram, trying to save children from captivity and child labour. During the year we will arrange sales and events. If you want to join our mission to help kids, be sure to participate in our events and/or even apply to become a board member.


PocAuraKG is an association made by people of color, for people of color and anyone who is interested in discussing inclusion, integrity and equality. Wanna eat fika, have interesting discussions and meet cool new people? Join us today


Zambia group is a charity that is passionate about childrens education in Zambia. Every year we collect money through events and bake sales, where all proceeds are sent down to our sister schools in Zambia to sponsor school pupils.


KG Earth is an association that strives to be the driving force regarding climate issues at this school. We have events, lectures and hang outs with like minded people to share our thoughts and discuss climate related topics. Wanna be a part of the association that wants to make our world better one small step at a time? Then join us @kg_earth!


Hello! We’re Synergy: Kungsholmens Gymnasium’s association for both lovers of music and musicians! On our meetings we regularly listen to music and play great songs together. We also put up the Winter Festival every year which is a talent show that brings the whole school together. You do not want to miss any of this so be sure to join Synergy!


KG Pride is Kungsholmens Gymnasium’s LGBTQ+ association. We want everyone, students and staff alike, to feel welcome and accepted in being themselves at the school. Our goal is to create a safe environment where we can raise awareness and educate ourselves in Pride-related topics, or simply hang out and enjoy each other’s company. Regardless of if you’re LGBTQ+ or an ally, welcome!


What’s your favourite subject in science? Do you wanna meet like-minded people, who are as fascinated by your subject as you are? We’re the science association, and we make sure you get the opportunity to visit university lectures, do labs, and nerd out. Experience science first-hand @kysstagram on Instagram.


In one of the oldest associations at KG, you have the opportunity to learn rhetorical skills through the art of debate. Join weekly meetings, partake in championships, or just have fun! We’d love to have you. See you in 4417 every Tuesday.


How do you like math? Hate it? Grab your friends and head to our workshops for test prep – we’ve got you covered. Love it? Come do math for fun with us! Prepare for competitions, learn to code, and eat some fika. Follow @kgmathematicalsociety on Instagram to get notified about events! (Turn on notifications!)


Amnesty KG is a branch of the global human rights organization Amnesty. Through investigative journalism and petitions, we strive to make human rights accessible to everyone, all over the world. By joining KG Amnesty, you can be a part of the change, and make the world a better place for everyone.


Do you have an interest in Moderaternas politics and like to discuss different social issues? Then MSU KG is the association for you! As the school’s only political association, we are passionate about social debates and politics. Of course, we are also open to all kinds of questions, whether you support Moderaterna or not.


You don’t need to invest a dime, this stock association is for anyone, regardless of prior knowledge or financial situation. We invite speakers and publish guides tailored to students, with the goal of making the power of knowing how to save money available to everyone. It can seem daunting at first, but trust us when we say that anyone can do this.


Diskantkören är en förening för dig som vill sjunga och lära känna fler utanför din klass eller program. Vi är en kör med stämmorna sopran och alt, oftast damkör men självklart är även kontratenorer välkomna! Repertoaren är sånger som körmedlemmarna väljer själva. Repen är på plats i skolan varannan vecka. Kören är öppen för alla sektioner på Kg!


The Social Club är en förening vars syfte är att främja en trevlig stämning och bättre bekantskap mellan eleverna på skolan, oavsett  årskurs eller linje. Vi arrangerar sociala möten med diverse aktiviteter i hopp om att fler elever ska lära känna varandra. Det krävs inga särskilda intressen eller förkunskaper – hos oss är alla välkomna!


Our goal at KG global reading is to educate children living in impoverished areas by collecting and donating all types of English books ranging from novels to textbooks from students like you!

The books you have lying around the house could shape a young mind so join us and don’t let all of that unexplored knowledge sit on a shelf.


Våfflor & Socialism är föreningen för dig som vill diskutera, problematisera eller lära dig om politik från ett vänsterorienterat perspektiv. Vi arrangerar våffelmöten, evenemang och annat kul i den marxistiska andan. Enligt socialistisk tradition så är det ingen som går från våra möten hungrig, ty det serveras alltid våfflor! Som Kungsholmens mest aktiva förening så ses vi varje tisdag 14:30!

Kamratliga hälsningar, Våfflor & Socialism, Kungsholmens Gymnasiums Marxistiska Förbund.


Kg moves är föreningen för dig som vill joina skolans bästa vibe. Som skolans dansförening finns vi för att skapa event med oslagbar feeling. Salsakurser, flashmobes eller vilket annat event du än kan komma på finns vi här för att fixa. Vi är en samling härliga människor, vissa med och vissa utan erfarenhet som alla älskar att dansa. Med andra ord vem du än är så är det oss ni ska spana in för skolans roligaste events.


Welcome to McF! We are the Minecraft association at KG, we are here for all of you Minecraft-lovers, whether you’re tired of getting blown up by creepers, or have never played the game in your life. Why don’t you join our Minecraft server? We occasionally host events, such as tournaments or competitions, so lookout for any announcements. See you there!


Vi är en förening som vill laga mat och utvecklas i köket tillsammans med vänner. Är du också sugen på det så är den här föreningen just för dig! Alla som vill och har möjlighet att komma på våra matlagningsträffar kan vara med och laga god och enkel mat. Det krävs ingen erfarenhet utan vi hjälper alla till för att skapa så bra upplevelse som möjligt. Det vi vill visa är att mat faktiskt är kul att laga, framför allt med nära och kära, och inte något vi bara måste göra.

Hälsningar Styrelsen i KG KÄK


KG Manskör är en relativt ung förening som riktar sig till killar på skolans samtliga program som vill sjunga körsång. Föreningens syfte är att upprätthålla och skapa nya traditioner. Vi har öppna medlemsmöten varje tisdag kl 14:30.



Kungsholmens Gymnasium Athletic Post (KGAP) is the school’s sport-media association. We cover all the sport related-activities at KG, and publish content of the school teams to ensure that you never miss out. In addition to that, we host Fantasy leagues and other events to promote sports at our school. So if you are interested in sports, media or just want to get involved, you are very welcome to join our association!